Thanks for the great take on the situation. My response is that most people can only think binary. It is easier to take and justify a side: black/white, rich/poor, old/young, new/old, right/wrong, freedom fighter/terrorist. I could go on. People do not understand nuance, persistence, righteousness, and discipline. People are more alike than different. Until we come to a place of tolerance AND acceptance, conflicts will continue. It makes me scratch my head as to why I must have chosen this time and place to incarnate. Perhaps it was to meet people like you and affect some change. Keep up the good fight. Be the change. I am there with you.

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Thanks for your comment, John! I will clarify though that I do think the situation in Gaza IS binary. The genocide should end and the occupation should end. Full stop. I think this issue of tactics is where I'm trying to bring in some nuance, not around the regional conflict itself. Sometimes things really are that simple.

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Thank you for this thoughtful essay. You've articulated what I've been struggling to articulate.

Curious to hear your thoughts on how this applies interpersonally - ie family members who cut themselves off from family because they haven't made public statements about Palestine, etc.

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Ooof. I don't know! I think that it's very personal and has a lot to do with your own capacity and how painful this conflict is for you, personally. I can understand feeling the need to disengage from family who don't agree on this issue, and I can also understand choosing to just avoid the topic to maintain the relationship.

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